Thursday May 14, 2020 2:55 PM




May 14, 2020

For information contact Tim Ross, Public Events Director at 270-687-8350 or







The City of Owensboro announced Wednesday that it will help expand outdoor seating in preparation for restaurants reopening their doors to in-person traffic on May 22.


City officials have been discussing reopening plans with local businesses downtown and have been exploring ways to help them during this phase of COVID-19 reopening. Guidelines put in place by Governor Andy Beshear require restaurants to stay at or below 33% capacity of indoor seating, but they may have unlimited outdoor seating. In order to help expand outdoor seating areas on the sidewalks near the restaurants, the City will be waiving fees for encroachment permits for these areas.


“Governor Beshear came out with the 33% indoor occupancy guideline, but some small businesses will still struggle to make a profit if they can’t expand their seating outdoors,” said Mayor Tom Watson. “We want to do whatever we can to help them open up and be as successful as possible.”


“We have been exploring different options like closing downtown streets for additional seating; however, based on feedback from other local businesses, we don’t want to restrict access to parking for these businesses and their customers,” said City Manager Nate Pagan. “We feel like expanding seating on the sidewalks and waiving the permit fees will be the best option for businesses and customers alike.”


State officials have also made efforts to help restaurants during this time of closures for in-person dining by allowing ‘to go’ sales of all drinks, including alcohol in closed containers.  Those expanded sales options will continue even as restaurants are now allowed to serve in-person dining.   



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